Sunday, October 22, 2006


Some of you have noted that my pilot is no centaur. the plane is indeed my new ride, but i am incapable of flying it. the grinning mortal is merely my pilot, Ed. it's a well known fact that centaurs are incapable of flying fighter jets. With a few m odifications, however, a fighter jet can comfortably trasport a pilot and centaur passenger. thanks to feynie for coming up with the design and for providing us with the hook up.


At 12:25 PM, Blogger Rebecca said...

Aha! I appreciate the clarification.

At 1:08 PM, Blogger Daimon Legein said...

You can't imagine the grief my friends have been giving me! I've been accused of being a self-loathing centaur, trying to pass as mortal. very painful. it was a simple oversight on my part, that's all. :)

At 11:16 PM, Blogger Rebecca said...

I certainly hope that you have not vanished for good! :(


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