bongoing on a world wide tour OR moving to happyville (a subsidiary of Joyless-tech)
Hello mes amis! Didn’t know the ole t-shirted centaur knew French did ya? Well, he don’t. he barely knows English. I’ve been feeling really shitty about my half-assed posts. They’re so half assed, they’re half human assed, which is substantially less than a half horse assed. Wow … [staring off into space, thinking “really? Did I write that? Saad. So sad]
Anywho, I’ve been busy. I’ve decided to quit the firm. It’s a big step, I know, but I’m tired of being their token centaur. Plus, it’d be nice to wear an informal t-shirt for a change. Did you know that your standard centaur business t-shirt requires thrice as much starch as a human business t-shirt? I’m not sure if this true because I’ve never actually seen a human business t-shirt. Your people are so backwards.
Feynie whole heartedly supports my decision and we’re thinking of embarking on a world wide bongo playing tour. Feynie’s huge in the international bongo playing scene and after a night of interdimensional travel (courtesy of Feynie’s new interdimensional travel machine), a couple of quualudes, and a mind meld with the fine people of ^*&HBHF f (whom you poor 3-dimensional travelers have neither met nor heard off – I mean, you poor saps are still going forward in time for pete’s sake, let alone traveled the multiverse), I’ve become quite adept at it.
The big-titted ghost, however, has not been very supportive. She’s all like, “t-shirted centaur, who, in their right mind, is going to want to date a 1,000lb, 601 year old, 100 year old duck egg eating, big-titted ghost and Richard Feynman clone co-habitating, world wide bongo playing touring, unemployed, and informal t-shirt wearing centaur?” I guess she’s got a point. But, I’d feel like a fraud being a semi-professional world wide bongo tour playing, non-investment banking, formal t-shirt wearing centaur.
Ah well, the hearts want what they want. Although, I’ve gotten into some trouble for following my horse heart (the kids who were at the
Hey centaur formally known as run-of-the-mill investment banking, t-shirt wearing centaur tell Dave to let me know about crib and that it will have to be post my work crib.
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