re-inventing lives
wow. i've read some pretty powerfull stuff today. it wasn't ondaatje, kierkegaard, or even cervantes saavedra. it wasn't even by an author with a double a'd surname (which is usually my sole criterion for determining what counts as powerful stuff).
it was, in fact, the work of our fellow bloggers. blogging is pretty cool because it's all about the nity gritty of people's lives. These bloggers grant us access to the nuts and bolts, to the weird orange shit that grows on the bottom of their shower curtains, to the piles of crusted up and mix-matched socks stashed behind thier beds ( figuratively speaking), of thier very lives. that's a huge honour.
people are reaching out, connecting us to their lives, asking us to acknowledge them as fully developed human beings. these bloggers aren't lab assistants, cooks, or students, they're people with fears, dreams, bizare pecadillos, and a love of toffuti. these are real people trying to make sense of their lives, to find a purpose, to find meaning. is blogging an excercise in metaphysical semantics? or, for that matter does "metaphysical semantics" even mean anything?
wow. i don't have the answers. i'm just a t-shirt wearing, investment banking centaur with a broadband connection and, with any luck, some new friends. i'm grateful for everyone who posts on eblogger - whether i agree with your point of view or not - because i feel that, essentially, we're all here for the same reasons. We're all here making sense of our lives, the world we find ourselves in, and to make some new friends.
t-shirted centaur
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