Monday, January 15, 2007

fuck apples.

fuck apples. That's right, fuck apples!

"What'd apples ever do to you"

Apples killed my father, that's what! No, apples didn't kill my father. Hercules killed my father but a snake made eve take an apple; snakes are Hera's domain; Hera hated Hercules; baby Hercules killed two would-be assassin snakes and adolescent Hercules lost his virginity in an apple orchard. Apples orchestrated and underage deflowering! So, I reiterate, fuck apples!
Look, that sounds harsh, I know, but don't fall for the spin - That's exactly what the apple commission wants you do! Apples aren't all love and rainbows. Apples are lazy, duplicitious, and above all ungrateful little bastards. Oh, and they are a cocky breed, especially those "red delicious" bitches. red delicious? why not just name yourselves "all the other red apples are ass"?

fuck apples.


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